"During a recent visit to Malta, I had the pleasure of playing and inspecting Robert Buhagiar’s restoration of a historic one manual organ at Naxxar. The following points were very evident:
(1) His understanding of this instrument was demonstrated vividly by his own playing of it; a demonstration which drew from it far more sounds than one would expect from its size. (2) His restoration of its tonal qualities was evidently very artistic indeed – it sounded lovely at all dynamic levels and with a wide variety of registrations. (3) Inspection of the interior demonstrated that the whole project has been carried through with loving care and skill.
All this augurs very well and I look forward to seeing and playing more of Mr Buhagiar’s work in future"
Roger Fisher
Paris , le 21 octobre 2003
Très touché de votre accueil à Naxxar Parish Church, je tenais à vous en remercier et vous dire tout l’intérêt que j’avais pris à voir l’instrument que vous restaurez avec patience et connaissance et le plaisir que j’avais pris à le jouer et à entendre le résultat sonore de votre travail sur l’instrument.
Avec mes plus fidèles pensées.
Jacques TADDEI
"Engineer Robert Buhagiar combines professional and technical competence in organ building and restoration with a genuine passion for the instrument and for music in general. Following his long apprenticeship with Mascioni in Italy he has beautifully restored organs in Siggiewi, Qrendi, Naxxar and Nadur to their former aural and visual splendour. He is the only person in Malta I could really trust to look after the organ in St Paul's Anglican Cathedral in Valletta, where I have been organist for twenty years."
Dr Hugo Agius Muscat MD MSc LRSM
"The restoration by Robert Buhagiar of the Severino 1778 Italian positivo organ to its original 18th century condition has given the village of Qrendi a musical treasure of which it can be justly proud, for it has all the qualities to transport the listener back to the Malta of two centuries ago." Nick le Neve Walmsley
"It has been a pleasure for me to have heard and played some of your instruments on Malta and Gozo. Your organs sing into the church with both grace and authority, and I have seldom heard such blended ensembles, and such clear ripieni. You have allowed each organ to have its own personality, and to speak into its own acoustics. I will never forget the thrill of hearing and playing the Nadur instrument. I wish that we could have you in Canada, but Malta would be desolate without you."
Douglas Haas - Director of Music - St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Kitchener, Ontario
"An important part of Malta's rich historical heritage are the many fine churches that dominate the landscape of the islands. Less well-known is the fact that some of these buildings contain extraordinarily interesting organs dating from the 18th century, the work of Italian organ builders. 21st century Malta is very fortunate in having its own organ builder who has a passion for restoring these instruments to good playing order, and so preserving a remarkable heritage for future generations. I have recently had the rare pleasure of playing three of the instruments that Robert Bugahiar has given a new lease-of-life, those at Balzan, Naxxar and the Cathedral at Mdina. The organs all display similar characteristics - beautifully singing Principale 8', the warm sounds of the Voce Umana 8' undulating with the Principale, delighful Flutes of 4'and 2 2/3', and bright higher-pitched ranks. Set in buildings with generous acoustics, and placed in cases that focus the sound and project it into the building, these instruments have no difficulty in filling the churches with their colourful and characterful sounds. Robert is to be congratulated and thanked for the excellent work he is doing in bringing these instruments back to life. A unique heritage is being lovingly preserved for the future."
Roger Judd - St.George's Chapel, Windsor Castle
"Ho apprezzato molto l'ottima riuscita del restauro dell'organo Rossi nella Cattedrale di Mdina, sia per la fedele ricostruzione delle parti precedentemente alterate o mancanti, sia per la cura nell'intonazione e armonizzazione delle canne originali, scevra da forzature e al contempo vivace. Per il temperamento mi permetta di consigliare una modifica (in occasione di una riaccordatura): un temperamento con tre terze pure su do re e sol sarebbe più vicino a quelli usati dagli organari napoletani del '700 e renderebbe più sonore lo strumento nelle tonalità principali, senza rendere affatto impraticabili molte altre tonalità. Complimenti vivissimi e un augurio per la sua futura attività."
Francesco Cera