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23 Jan 2017 @ 12:54 CET | |
Alastair Ross |
N/A |
Hi Robert, Thanks very much for making the effort to come in on Friday. I know you weren't feeling at all well, and I do hope you're getting better now. The organ was fine in the concert - it made all the difference having a sensible temperament, perfectly in tune. Many thanks! Best wishes, Alastair |
24 May 2014 @ 00:27 CET | |
John Smith |
Hi Robert! Greetings from Hungary! I am a retired pipe organ builder,and Piano tuner, from Hungary, very interested in your work. Hope to meet you when we visit Malta one day...
John Smith
Pipe Organ Builder,
+3630 875 4557 |
11 Jan 2013 @ 06:03 CET | |
Alexander S. Mitchell |
You are a bright light in the world of organ builders. Thankyou! |
18 Jul 2012 @ 20:34 CET | |
Philip Carter |
Excellent web site and first class work on the organs we were able to see and hear. We must come back again. All best wishes to you all |
14 Dec 2011 @ 13:03 CET | |
Benjamin Zammit |
Hello Robert.Grazzi talli komlejt issebbah il-knejjes ta Malta b'orgnijiet godda bhal dak tal-bierah ta San Publiju Floriana. Kien unur ghaliena li kantajna fl-inawgurazzjoni tieghu. Prosit, veru sabih !!!! Mhux ta b'xejn imlaqqam ir-Re ta l-istrumenti !!! |
25 Jan 2011 @ 08:53 CET | |
Franz X. Koehler |
| http://orgelfreunde.gmxhome.de/e-index.htm |
Greetings from Germany. Our organ needs ugently a new console and action system. So it is always interesting and helpful to learn what others did. |
17 Aug 2010 @ 10:06 CET | |
Simon Platt |
| http://www.simonplattdesign.com |
I like the simple clarity of your site. Do you find any surviving work from the 18th century organ builder Juan DeBono- disciple and son in law of Jorge Bosch in Sevilla? Would be pleased to invite your comment on my site-www.simonplattdesign.com |
08 Feb 2009 @ 12:29 CET | |
Roger Penny |
I am a retired organpipe voicer, very interested in your work. Hope to meet you when we visit Malta. |
24 May 2008 @ 16:06 CET | |
Norman Cristina |
| http://www.normancristina.com |
Hello dear friend,
Glad to see this web site.
Let's promote the Music! :)
Good day and thank you.
Norman Cristina
++356 7906 2119
iamfree@maltanet.net |
14 Nov 2007 @ 08:48 CET | |
George dei Conti Stagno Navarra |
It is not very often that I can establish contact with an expert who specialises in the restoration of Church Organs. We are blessed in these Maltese Islands with some lovely masterpieces that have been inherited from our forefathers who so painstakingly and at great sacrifice had installed such wonderful organs in our churches and cathedrals. Many a time they deserve a good refurbishment/restoration and with people who are in the know and who carry out such work with passion like your goodself, these lovely organs can again be given a new lease of life. This may only serve to please the ears who hear some beautiful sacred interpretations on one of these organs fully restored.
Keep up the good work. One day I wish I can be able to make your aquiantance too.
sincere regards
G.S.N. |
12 Oct 2007 @ 13:27 CET | |
michele barchi |
complimenti per il sito!e complimenti per il restauro del bellissimo organo della Cattedrale di Mdina!Il recupero delle sonorità mi sembra ottimo e lo strumento è davvero un gioiello.Mi permetto di consigliare un panno più soffice per il fermo-corsa della tastiera che potrebbe essere più silenzioso.
michele Barchi |
26 Aug 2007 @ 17:18 CET | |
We are very impressed by our son in law, a genius, an excellent family man, and most of all an oergan restorer of no means weight |
28 Mar 2007 @ 22:02 CET | |
Josef Xuereb |
I am sending this just after the brilliant concert inaugurating the recently restored organ at Mosta. I must say I'm impressed - even just by hearing the Virgo Prudentissima. Only a true organ lover like you can bring out such subtle yet noticeable registrations from an organ. Well done! |
15 Mar 2007 @ 14:03 CET | |
Paul Envall |
I am a retired piano tuner with a passionate interest in the pipe organ. I admire you for what you have been able to achieve with these historic instruments. Regards
Paul |
03 Mar 2007 @ 01:06 CET | |
Wendy Payton |
This is a lovely website. Thanks so much. |
06 Jan 2007 @ 11:42 CET | |
Josef Xuereb |
Thank you for the recent retuning of the organ at Siggiewi. Particularly for the Oboi Combinati stop which was difficult to retune due to the uncomfortable position of the pipes.
I also had the chance to play the very sweet organ at Qrendi and found it very very nice. For its small size, it sure packs a punch! Well done Robert! |
23 Feb 2006 @ 15:58 CET | |
Herbert Penza |
Hi Robert! Sibt is-sajt tieghek veru b'kumbinazzjoni! Prosit tassew tax-xoghol siewi li taghmel u ta' l-informazzjoni kollha li taghti! Il-holm tieghek li issa sar realta' jidwi u jinstema' fil-widnejn ta' hafna nies li jhobbu l-hoss ta' l-orgni avolja (bhali) lanqas biss joholmu li jdoqquh. Prosit tassew! |
01 Dec 2005 @ 10:02 CET | |
Justin Pisani (organist ta Xbiex) |
Aw Robert. L-ewwel nett proset tas site!! NIfrahlek tax xoghol li taghmel. U Proset u Grazzi ta lorgni sabih li ghamiltilna Ta`Xbiex!! Vera ghamilt xoghol sewwa u ahna kburin bl-orgni l-gdid taghna!! |
17 Jul 2005 @ 18:29 CET | |
Alfred Fenech. Oboe |
Hi Robert. Prosit tas site wel done. Nispera li xi darba nerggha ndoqq mieghek fuq xi orgni milli tirrestawra. See you |
08 Jun 2005 @ 16:26 CET | |
joseph camilleri |
In the past couple of weeks I have had the good luck of playing the newly-restored organs at Siggiewi and that at Qrendi. It was a great experience! You have done an excellent job. Best wishes |
03 Jun 2005 @ 14:11 CET | |
Vince Aquilina |
Your site is fine...keep up your good work...Vince Aquilina |
22 Nov 2004 @ 22:45 CET | |
Lawrence Civelli |
Hello,Robert its so nice to see a talent such as yours on display for all the world to see,You make all of us Maltese proud , Proset |
22 Nov 2004 @ 15:46 CET | |
Kenneth Scicluna |
Dear Robert, only a true renaissance man like you could ably bring together such a rich mine of artistic and technical talent and experience. Your website is great, your work is excellent, and your playing a nonpareil. |
02 Oct 2004 @ 19:56 CET | |
Gino Micallef |
N/A |
I was very impressed by your Website. Your work is definately a showcase of professional work and dedication. |
09 Sep 2004 @ 16:24 CET | |
Daniela Ditrani |
Complimenti Robert.Il sito è bellissimo, realizzato alla perfezione in ogni minimo dettaglio.Sono molto orgogliosa di te del tuo lavoro e del sogno che sei riuscito a portare a termine alla grande!!!Dopo anni di duro lavoro e grande passione i risultati si vedono. |
10 Jul 2004 @ 09:06 CET | |
john buhagiar |
very informative and interesting and to those concerned very useful & probably unique |
27 May 2004 @ 11:38 CET | |
Anthony Callus (Sydney - Australia) |
My mothers family are from Siggiewi (ta Zaggi) and since we migrated to Australia 30yrs ago, i have returned several time to visit this beautiful village and in particular the church, which I know like the 'back of my hand'. I spent many hours going through the church and I also have great value for the organ that I am pleased has been restored. Well done and I envy you for the talent that you have. I hope one day to visit Malta again and see the results. |
05 Apr 2004 @ 20:58 CET | |
Isabella Barbaro-Sant |
hi, , certa li meta jkun lest ix-xoghol ta'restawr fuq l-orgni tal-Mosta, jkollna xi haga biex nkunu kburin biha !. Inselli ghalik ! |
19 Jan 2004 @ 17:26 CET | |
Antoinette Esposito |
Well done for all your achievements till now! Your dedication has really paid off to let you realise your dreams.:) |
14 Nov 2003 @ 19:59 CET | |
Dr Sandro Vella |
A most interesting website which sheds light on the professional skills of a talented young Maltese gentleman who is bringing back to life an essential and priceless aspect of our musical artistic heritage. Looking forward to an impressive restoration project on the Mosta Rotunda Inzoli mechanical Pipe Organ. Wishing you lots of success. |
15 Sep 2003 @ 15:54 CET | |
James Vella Clark |
| http://www.jamesvellaclark.com |
Robert, I casually entered and clicked robertbuhagiar.com and surprisingly, it turned out that you actually DO have your own website! I'm very impressed but not surprised - I knew your passion for organ playing would take you far...keep following the dream. Your playing always drove shivers down my spine...keep it up and looking forward to see you at work on our organ in Balzan!!! |
19 Aug 2003 @ 16:22 CET | |
bernard ferrante |
N/A |
Well done Robert,I am impressed by the site but moreso by your work and dedication to it.Keep it up |
10 Aug 2003 @ 16:17 CET | |
Graham Davies |
An excellent and very user friendly site showing some excellent work of a high standard - well done ! |
03 Aug 2003 @ 21:23 CET | |
Gilbert Pace |
Well done for the very good site. The interesting and detailed information showing past works give account of the dedication and professionalism of Mr. Buhagiar. |
03 Jul 2003 @ 21:25 CET | |
Ray Galea |
Well done Robert keep it up you sure know how to restore them. |
27 Jun 2003 @ 14:45 CET | |
Etienne Magri |
well done for your achievements! Your site is very professional. Keep it up! |
27 Jun 2003 @ 06:59 CET | |
Maria Caligari |
The site has a very pleasing aesthetics, a fantastic layout and is extremely user friendly. Congrats :) Good luck and keep up the good work. |
23 Jun 2003 @ 02:42 CET | |
Richard Vendome |
N/A |
Congratulations on your work and on your website. It's good to see Maltese organ building taking off! |
22 Jun 2003 @ 09:37 CET | |
Audrey Buhagiar |
The website is very professional. It reflects the professional quality of work you do. Those who know you also know very well how committed and dedicated you are to your work. Well done .... all this shows you are a real artist ! |
19 Jun 2003 @ 23:04 CET | |
stefy |
hi man congratulations :P
19 Jun 2003 @ 12:01 CET | |
Jo Midolo |
Impressive web site for an impressive restorer. Your site is a tribute to Maltese dedication to art and music. |
19 Jun 2003 @ 09:04 CET | |
Godwin Degabriele |
Very well done I'm really impressed.The site is very pictorial and very explanatory. Keep up the good work |
18 Jun 2003 @ 13:48 CET | |
winston pirotta |
Excellent site that demonstrates your special talent. Obviously, only an engineer can have such dedication, professionalism and detail in his work!!! Good luck and well done ..... |
18 Jun 2003 @ 13:02 CET | |
Buhagiar Marcelle |
Prosit for the fantastic work you're doing, dear Robert. Keep it up! and Good Luck!
17 Jun 2003 @ 22:00 CET | |
Charlot Cassar |
Hi Robert,
A great website - one I thoroughly enjoyed browsing and which I will gladly forward. I was simply fascinated by what you have been doing and I can appreciate the hard work and dedication. Well done and keep it up!
(*2 new entries awaiting approval)