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A Member Of The International Society Of Organ Builders
      St.Augustine Priory, Victoria Gozo     
Mascioni 1965

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The beautiful, small and cosy convent church of St.Augustine in the heart of Gozo’s capital, Victoria, is regularly used for chamber, vocal and other recitals. In this church Mascioni built a small 2-manual and pedal electric action organ. Since the space available is extremely limited this organ makes use of ‘borrowing’ in order to allow a versatile stoplist. Though ‘borrowing’ is an ugly word in the organbuilding world the result here is extremely satisfying musically thanks to a well-planned and well-executed voicing.

This organ (which is not encased) had never been cleaned since its installation in 1965. Moreover there were various electrical and pneumatic problems in the action. Therefore it was decided to overhaul the organ to return the instrument to new youth.

All pipework was dismantled, cleaned and repaired where necessary. The façade was repainted since the old paint was deteriorated. All action parts were reconditioned – involving cleaning, regulation and oiling where required. Pneumatic parts were releathered. The bellows were still in good condition and no work was required.

The bulk of the work consisted in the overhaul of the console which also houses all the electromechanical switching associated with the ‘borrowing’ of ranks. All contacts were cleaned and regulated. The keyboards were dismantled and all contacts cleaned too. The keyboard pistons were repaired as well as other pedal pistons and ‘crescendo’ pedal mechanism.

The final work consisted in the voicing and tuning. Voicing corrections were carried out respecting the original voicing characteristics. Tuning was carried out in equal temperament.
Restored facade

Stoplist :
Great Positive Pedal 
Principale 8’ *
Bordone 8’
Dulciana 8’ ***
Ottava 4’ *
Ripieno 3file****  
Bordone 8’ **
Salicionale 8’***
Flauto 4’ **
Flauto in XII **
Flauto 2’ **
Terza 1 3/5 **
Voce Celeste 8’ 
Bordone 16’ **
Principale 8’ *
Bordone 8’ *
Dulciana 8’ ***
Ottava 4’ *
Ripieno 3file **** 
(Stops with same number of ‘*’ are borrowed from the same rank)

Accessories :Ripieno foot piston, Tutti foot piston, Crescendo pedal

Keyboard : 58 notes (C1-A58)
Pedal : 32 notes (C1-G32)
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